Tim Collyer

Senior Financial Adviser/Head of Compliance

[email protected] | 01225 777999

Tim Collyer

Tim… in a nutshell

Helping clients achieve major goals and milestones in their lives is incredibly rewarding. It can take years to bring projects and plans to fruition, but when a client successfully sells a practice/fulfils a sabbatical/helps a child buy their first home it’s culmination of a lot of hard work on both sides.

I feel that creating a robust work/life balance is paramount. My advice is always evidence-based, but the direction of that advice led by his clients’ dreams and goals.

I have three degrees… The qualifications, not the group.

I grow the hottest chillies in the world, which I use to make potent hot sauce, oils and chilli powder. I also like to take photos of the night sky (astrophotography), I have six dogs, and I brew my own beer and mead. I love cooking with home-grown ingredients.

When you are a teenager you think you know everything. In reality, you know nothing and should take all the advice you are offered. That is the time to listen and learn.

More about Tim

Tim has been helping individuals with their finances since 1983. Drawing from a varied background in training, compliance and consulting, he has talent for making the complicated seem simple.

Having been an examiner, trainer and author of textbooks for the financial services industry, Tim was responsible for helping design the examinations and qualification structures that have raised financial advice to a full-blown, qualifications-based profession.

He has considerable experience of working with professionals of all kinds, helping them structure their finances to deliver effective and highly tax efficient plans to suit their specific requirements.

Book a chat with Tim

If you’d like to find out what financial planning can do for you, are uncertain about your financial position, or anything else, Tim is on hand for a no-strings, complimentary consultation. This can be a video call or over the phone.

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Qualifications and memberships

  • Chartered Financial Planner
  • Advanced Financial Planning Certificate
  • Investment Specialist
  • Pension Specialist
  • Taxation and Trust Specialist
  • Long Term Care Insurance Qualification
  • Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners (STEP) Qualification, with distinction – read our CEO’s blog about Tim’s remarkable achievement

Tim says: I have been an examiner for the Chartered Insurance Institute. For many years, if I wanted to understand something, I would write a book or an article on it or arrange to train other people on it.

To pass an exam in something you need to know 50% or less of the subject.
To write a book on something you need to know 75% of the subject.
To train a subject you need to know 90% of it.
If you train and use a subject for 20 years, you’ll get to know 95% of it.

You will never know 100% so keep listening and learning – every day is a school day!

Get in touch

Everyone’s on a different path. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

Have a complimentary, no-obligation chat with one of our advisers to find out how financial planning can transform your future.

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