Get more life out of life

Independent Financial Planners since 1996

Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol


Get more life out of life

Independent Financial Planners since 1996

St.Ives Harbour, Cornwall


Get more life out of life

Independent Financial Planners since 1996

Ligurian Riviera, Italy

Welcome to Montgomery Charles

We believe that by helping people to understand what they really want from life, we can open up a world of possibilities. With our help, you can realise your dreams and secure peace of mind for you and your family.

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A personal service

With Montgomery Charles, you’ll never speak to a computer. You’ll know us, and we’ll know you. Our team will take the legwork out of filling out forms, and implementing things you know you should do but haven’t yet done. We’ll look after it, we’ll monitor it and we’ll manage it.

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Close up of several generations of a family holding hands Client ZoneNews
July 24, 2024

Will Inheritance Tax be abolished?

At a time of political upheaval, we explore the potential for IHT abolition and what it means for your finances.

Client ZoneNews
June 19, 2024

What the Labour manifesto means for your finances

Sir Keir Starmers ‘manifesto for wealth creation’ looks reassuring for investors on paper. But dig a little deeper, and there are some key developments to be aware of.

Client ZoneNews
May 28, 2024

Is property a good investment?

The debate between investing in rental properties or plunging into the stock market is a tale as old as time. But with property looking less and less attractive, is that decision becoming easier?

Latest updates

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Close up of several generations of a family holding hands Client ZoneNews
July 24, 2024

Will Inheritance Tax be abolished?

At a time of political upheaval, we explore the potential for IHT abolition and what it means for your finances.

Client ZoneNews
June 19, 2024

What the Labour manifesto means for your finances

Sir Keir Starmers ‘manifesto for wealth creation’ looks reassuring for investors on paper. But dig a little deeper, and there are some key developments to be aware of.

We focus on long-term relationships with our clients, integrating all aspects of your finances – whether business or personal – to ensure we always give you relevant and timely advice.

Business Owners

As advisers to many successful business owners, our team has the wealth of experience you need to construct, and implement, a robust financial plan for your company.

Principal Dentists

Our financial advisers specialise in financial planning for Principal Dentists. Their expertise in the NHS pension puts you in safe hands.

Private Clients

Our advisers can help you reduce your tax liability, protect and grow your wealth, plan a meaningful inheritance, and secure a solid financial plan for the future.

We focus on long-term relationships with our clients, integrating all aspects of your finances – whether business or personal – to ensure we always give you relevant and timely advice.

Business Owners

As advisers to many successful business owners, our team has the wealth of experience you need to construct, and implement, a robust financial plan for your company.

Principal Dentists

Our financial advisers specialise in financial planning for Principal Dentists. Their expertise in the NHS pension puts you in safe hands.

Private Clients

Our advisers can help you reduce your tax liability, protect and grow your wealth, plan a meaningful inheritance, and secure a solid financial plan for the future.

I’m so pleased we met you. You have literally transformed our lives, encouraging us to stretch when we should and to consolidate when we shouldn’t. Thank you.

Senior Medical Consultant – North Wales

I had decided to re-focus my dental practice to depend less on NHS contracts and build up a more independent arrangement. I had multiple thoughts, ideas and concerns flying around in my head like so many butterflies. Mike, however, brought a different perspective and a professionalism to bear on the problem and within a week, after some serious information gathering, he helped me towards a solution.

Dental Practice in Swansea

You can take comfort in the knowledge that whilst you run your business, we will look after your financial future.

Jurassic Coast, Dorset

Take the first step towards a brighter financial future

We know that seeking financial advice can be a big step. An Initial Consultation is a brief, informal conversation where we’ll introduce ourselves, and talk about you and your future. There’s no charge, and there are no obligations.

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